Tag Archives: lesbianism

The Sin of Homosexuality

The Sin of Homosexuality

It is very easy to prove from the Scriptures that Jesus Christ Himself and the New Testament (as a whole) teaches that sexual immorality will cause a person to be cast into the lake of fire or be shut out of ‘heaven’—unless they repent of their sin and follow Jesus for the remainder of their lives. It is also clear that the Bible teaches that sexual relations between people of the same sex is a type of sexual immorality. But what exactly was taught by the earliest followers of Jesus concerning the subject of homosexuality, or same-sex relations? How did the ancient followers of Christ interpret their Master’s words about sexual immorality? Did they believe Jesus allowed or authorized sexual relations to be practiced between people of the same sex? Or did they consider it to be sinful? Can we know what is true on this issue? See the evidence below. Continue reading The Sin of Homosexuality